Saturday, April 3, 2021
Beloved Clergy and Faithful of our Diocese:
Christ is in our midst! – He is and ever shall be!
For seven decades, our Saint Andrew’s Camp in Jewell, New York, has offered the young people of our parishes an incredible summer camping experience. Children and teens have been instructed in prayer and the divine services, the reading of Scripture and the teachings of our Orthodox Church. They have been nourished with the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion. They have had fun swimming, horseback riding, playing sports, learning to safeguard the planet and exploring the stars. And they have established friendships that last a lifetime, met their future spouses, and nourished their vocations to serve the Lord in ministry.
Three years ago, St. Andrew’s Camp undertook a campaign to raise $300,000 for a much-needed new kitchen, dining hall and activities center. The effort, of course, was halted last Lent with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now is the time to re-vitalize the initiative so that we can in fact break ground for the new facility during the last week of Camp in August, begin construction, and God willing, complete much of the project before the snow begins to descend upon us again. Since we are still $120,000 short of our goal, to become a reality, the completion and furnishing of this much-needed all-purpose center will require the yeoman generosity of individuals, organizations, and parishes of our Diocese. In short, we need your help! At the past Diocesan Assembly, the delegates in fact adopted the constructing of this new kitchen, dining hall and activities center for St. Andrew’s Camp as this year’s Charity Project for our churches during the Lenten-Paschal Seasons.
Therefore, I am requesting all parishes to set aside three Sundays either before and/or after Pascha for a special collection among the parishioners for the benefit of this proposed new facility. Additionally, I am asking that parish organizations, community patrons and other individuals who have been especially blessed by God be approached for sponsorship of this Charity Project. Every gift toward this project is for the benefit of the children of our Diocese and an investment in the future of our Holy Church.
All contributions should be made payable to “St. Andrew’s Camp,” earmarked “Building Project” and forwarded in a timely manner to the Diocesan Chancery, 33 Hewitt Avenue, Bronxville, NY 10708. If we can raise $60,000 by June 30, we may have matching funds from an incredibly generous anonymous donor. PLEASE help us in this endeavor!
I thank you in advance for whatever gift you are able to offer to Saint Andrew’s Camp. Please be assured of my remembrance of you in my prayers and in the divine services, as a pledge of the good things to come from God’s hands. May He grant you peace, good health, much happiness, salvation and good hastening in all things, and may He protect and preserve you and your loved ones, for many,
blessed years! “Mnogaya Lyeta!”
With my humble prayers, archpastoral blessings and sincere love,
Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey
Click here to read Archbishop Michael's letter.
Click here to visit St. Andrew's Camp's website and make a donation.
Diocese of New York
and New Jersey
33 Hewitt Avenue
Bronxville NY 10708
914-779-6580 (Phone)
914-779-6581 (Fax)