/ Local Resources - NY


ZOE for Life!® Southern Tier - an Orthodox Christian-based organization in New York State formed to provide confidential, non-discriminatory, and life-affirming material, emotional, and spiritual support at no cost to women and families needing help with a pregnancy.


Find a pregnancy center in your church’s area - https://resources.care-net.org/find-a-pregnancy-center/#lp-pom-block-120


Heartbeat International's Worldwide Directory lists a wide variety of life-affirming pregnancy help service provider locations - https://www.heartbeatinternational.org/worldwide-directory



Health Insurance for pregnant women in NY - This program offers complete pregnancy care and other health services to women and teens who live in New York State and meet income guidelines.


New York State’s Family Support Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Families - New York State has family support programs for pregnant and parenting families. The programs are available throughout New York State and are provided at no cost to the family. These programs have been proven to improve outcomes for mothers, babies, and families. Your family will get a family support provider who comes to your home to give support and guidance on your journey through parenting.