The Diocesan Council (members listed here) gathered for a regular/monthly meeting at the Diocesan Center on Wednesday, 25 April 2012. Various matters effecting the life and administration of the diocese were discussed and, when required, decisions were taken. Notable was an update on the 2012 Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors [DDB] initiative which, thanks to the good-will and generosity of many, has received an excellent response to date. There is an expectation, and prayerful hope, for continued financial support during the rest of this year. DDB funds are having a significant impact on the ability of the diocese to support missions, seminarians, and existing parishes. The faithful of the diocese are asked to prayerfully consider their ability to participate as DDBs. Complete information and an on-line “donate now” feature is found HERE.
Diocese of New York
and New Jersey
33 Hewitt Avenue
Bronxville NY 10708
914-779-6580 (Phone)
914-779-6581 (Fax)