The 2013 Parish Council Conference for the diocese was conducted regionally in three locations representing the Deaneries of New Jersey, New York City, and New York State. Parish leaders from across our diocese agree that bringing new life into our churches is an urgent priority. At the invitation of Bishop Michael, the conference facilitator was Very Reverend Constantine Nasr. Father Constantine oversaw the growth of a modestly sized parish in Oklahoma City OK to a truly thriving community of over 1,000 souls during his three decades of pastoral ministry. With enthusiasm, clarity, and wit, Father Constantine shared his years of expertise and highly practical methods for making our faith contagious and our churches inviting ~ to new visitors and to those who have fallen out of regular participation in parish life.
It is highly recommended that parish rectors, council members, and all interested parishioners utilize this video ... individually and together ... as a highly valuable resource for parish health and vitality.
"Father Constantine Nasr immediately got the attention of the conference participants by reminding us that in the Gospel of Mathew we are told to ‘Go ye therefore...!’ He repeatedly inspired us that this requires energy and effort, not sitting frozen. He spoke of the importance of planning. My professional world revolves around planning, and yet I have never really thought of a strategic plan for our Parish. We need one! And, I'm now excited to help develop one. As a Protestant convert myself, it was good to be reminded that we need to learn how to talk to Protestants (and others, as well). We should not judge others, but should seek common ground upon which to build dialogue. We should learn more of their language and theology to aid communication. Father Nasr's presentation was informative, challenging, humorous, and engaging!”
- Blake Keller (Parish Council Warden, Saint John the Baptist Church, Rochester NY)
2013 Parish Council Conference Video: PART 1
2013 Parish Council Conference Video: PART 2
2013 Parish Council Conference Video: PART 3
Diocese of New York
and New Jersey
33 Hewitt Avenue
Bronxville NY 10708
914-779-6580 (Phone)
914-779-6581 (Fax)