A Message from St. Andrew\'s Camp
To the Reverend Clergy of the Diocese of Washington and New York, Friends and Campers of Saint Andrew’s:
Christ is Risen!
During our last Diocesan Assembly, I had the absolute privilege of presenting information about Saint Andrew’s Camp and Religious Center. I was very pleased by the positive and supportive response from clergy and lay delegates. “Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ” we are now preparing for this summer’s camping programs. There is much to do as the beginning of the camping season rapidly approaches! On behalf of our Board of Trustees, I am pleased to announce that Jennifer Taisia Morgan is now our resident, yearround facilities manager; and our faithful supporter, John Kozak, has just arrived to offer his “labors of love” in completing improvements and maintenance to both buildings and grounds. As always, Daria York continues to do the “heavy lifting” and is working diligently to have everything – and everyone – in place for this year’s camping season.
We ask for ... and quite frankly, urgently need ... your assistance and continued support.
We still need camp counselors (age 18+), a suitable Camp Director (age 25+ with college degree), RN or LPN camp nurses, and others willing to offer time, talent and/or treasure in support of ourcamp ... and, of course, campers! Please contact and encourage anyone you know who may possibly “fitthebill.” There’s plenty of information available to you, and them, in considering a summer (or part of a summer) at Saint Andrew’s Camp.
For complete camping information such as session dates, program information, application/medical forms, etc., visit www.StAndrewsCamp.com To view/print a copy of the 2007 Saint Andrew’s Camp brochure, visit www.SaintJohnOrthodox.org and follow the link for Saint Andrew’s Camp.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by email (frski@rochester.rr.com) or phone (585-458-5627) ... or contact Daria York directly (DariaY@aol.com or 315-383-2686).
May the joy of our risen Lord continue to shine brightly within you as we join in proclaiming, “Indeed, He is risen!”
Fr. Ken James Stavrevsky
Secretary, Board of Trustees
Christ is Risen!
During our last Diocesan Assembly, I had the absolute privilege of presenting information about Saint Andrew’s Camp and Religious Center. I was very pleased by the positive and supportive response from clergy and lay delegates. “Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ” we are now preparing for this summer’s camping programs. There is much to do as the beginning of the camping season rapidly approaches! On behalf of our Board of Trustees, I am pleased to announce that Jennifer Taisia Morgan is now our resident, yearround facilities manager; and our faithful supporter, John Kozak, has just arrived to offer his “labors of love” in completing improvements and maintenance to both buildings and grounds. As always, Daria York continues to do the “heavy lifting” and is working diligently to have everything – and everyone – in place for this year’s camping season.
We ask for ... and quite frankly, urgently need ... your assistance and continued support.
We still need camp counselors (age 18+), a suitable Camp Director (age 25+ with college degree), RN or LPN camp nurses, and others willing to offer time, talent and/or treasure in support of ourcamp ... and, of course, campers! Please contact and encourage anyone you know who may possibly “fitthebill.” There’s plenty of information available to you, and them, in considering a summer (or part of a summer) at Saint Andrew’s Camp.
For complete camping information such as session dates, program information, application/medical forms, etc., visit www.StAndrewsCamp.com To view/print a copy of the 2007 Saint Andrew’s Camp brochure, visit www.SaintJohnOrthodox.org and follow the link for Saint Andrew’s Camp.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by email (frski@rochester.rr.com) or phone (585-458-5627) ... or contact Daria York directly (DariaY@aol.com or 315-383-2686).
May the joy of our risen Lord continue to shine brightly within you as we join in proclaiming, “Indeed, He is risen!”
Fr. Ken James Stavrevsky
Secretary, Board of Trustees
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His Eminence Archbishop Michael
Diocese of New York
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