Youth Retreat
OCA Pre-Lenten Youth Retreat
Located at
St. Joseph’s Seminary
Located at
St. Joseph’s Seminary
February 8-10, 2008
Topic: “J.O.Y.” (Jesus, others, yourself) Ages: 7th-12th Grades
Dear parents and students:
We are very excited to announce the OCA 2008 Pre-Lenten retreat entitled J.O.Y. Included in this package are all of the forms necessary for participation in this year’s event: Permission Slip/Release, Participant’s Agreement, Directions and Packing List. Retreat participants must fill out the Permission Slip/Release and the Participant’s Agreement.
All necessary forms, i.e., Permission Slip, Agreement & check must be received by February 1st.
The cost for the weekend retreat is $110 per student. This amount covers all lodging, activities and food for the entire retreat weekend. The Director of the retreat reserves the right to charge late fees or not accept a student if the amount is not paid in full by the specified due date.
Retreat participants are required to check-in at 7:00 PM on Friday, February 8th. No meal will be served on Friday, the day of arrival - only snacks & refreshments. Students should eat dinner before arriving on Friday. The pick-up time on Sunday, February 10th is no later than 12:30 PM. Parents are invited to conclude the retreat experience with their child by participating in Sunday’s Divine Liturgy (10:00 AM) at Mother of God Orthodox Church (located at St. Joseph’s Seminary).
Please keep in mind that students will not be allowed to leave the retreat facility unless a parent or legal guardian is there to pick them up or unless otherwise specified on the “Permission Slip.” form.
Please Note: No youth will be turned away due to cost. If you find the cost to be prohibitive, simply pay the amount that you find manageable – no questions asked. This information will be kept confidential. Finally, Orthodox and non-Orthodox students are encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity for Orthodox young people to invite a non-Orthodox friend. If you have any questions, please contact me by phone at (609) 306-4168 or by e-mail at
In Christ,
Fr. John Cassar
Mother of God Orthodox Church
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