Council of Presbyters Meet
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The newly appointed Council of Presbyters [CP] of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey gathered with His Grace, Bishop Michael, at the diocesan center in Bronxville NY on July 8, 2010. In a meeting that lasted nearly five hours, the bishop and assembled priests discussed a host of issues affecting the life of diocese.Intended to be a consultative body to the Diocesan Bishop, the CP is comprised of twelve priests representing longevity in pastoral vocation, breadth of pastoral experience, and contemporary pastoral ministry at the parish level. During the meaningful discussions, deliberations, future planning and concluding with a fellowship meal, a spirit of congeniality and brotherly affection among the participants, as co-laborers in Christ’s vineyard, gathered around the hierarch was clearly evident. Information highlighting this historic meeting will be available soon in a release from the Office of Communications.
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His Eminence Archbishop Michael
Diocese of New York
and New Jersey
33 Hewitt Avenue
Bronxville NY 10708
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