The Diocesan Chancellor, Archpriest Joseph Lickwar, reports: "During the month of August the Diocese is presenting ... in each Deanery ... a Workshop for Church School personnel, Parish Council members, and all parishioners who have contact with children in the course of their work in the Church. The morning segment of this Workshop is a seminar entitled, Reducing the Risk of Sexual Abuse In Your Parish, presented by Michael Herzak, CEO of Insurance Systems, Inc., Certified Risk Manager, and parishioner of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Cleveland OH. This seminar provides the training mandated by the 2012 Diocesan Assembly to protect our children, families, teachers, and parishes from even the potentiality of an incident or accusation of abuse. The second half of the day is offered especially to Church School directors, teachers, and helpers. Its purpose is twofold: to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, challenges, and successes; and to offer a sample lesson, taught in succession for three successively older age groups. Please encourage all your Church School faculty to come and be inspired as we all work together to deepen our children’s foundation in the Faith." Specific dates and locations for the three regional conferences are listed in the "Upcoming Events" section of this website.
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Diocese of New York
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