Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors (DDBs) from throughout the New York State Deanery gathered in Endicott NY on Sunday, 9 February, for an Appreciation Dinner. Bishop Michael expressed his profound gratitude to the individuals, parishes, and parish organizations for their sacrificial giving to the program that allows many diocesan projects and efforts to the Glory of God. During the year 2013, DDBs contributed a record-breaking total of $145,194 to support vital ministries; the work of the Church is being funded as never before! There are visible “fruits” of their labors and efforts as mission parishes are being established and supported, seminarians are receiving scholarships, and struggling parishes are being revitalized.
"Never Remember What You Give;
Never Forget What You Were Given!"
~ Bishop Michael
In spite of inclement winter weather, the dinner was well attended and a spirit-filled fellowship warmed by sharing in a common vision and common work: the building up of Christ's Body, The Church. A beautifully served dinner with presentations, an outstanding video (“2013: The Year in Review”) on the life and vitality of the diocese, and an inspirational testimonial shared by Bishop Michael, made the evening truly memorable.
The video presentation may be viewed HERE! >
In large measure, we owe our successes as a diocese to the selfless sacrifices and financial stewardship of Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors (DDBs). Their financial offerings make many ministries and activities possible. “We encourage as great participation as possible in the DDB program, supporting a Vision for Our Future, among our parishioners, organizations, and parishes,” said the Dean, Father Alexey Karlgut. “It identifies and supports three crucial areas that will make the greatest impact on the future of our parishes, deanery, and the diocese: planting and support of Missions, support of diocesan Seminarians (future priests and deacons), and support and revitalization of older, Struggling Parishes.”
In addition, DDBs make possible diocesan outreach and ministries; youth work and elder care; pastoral care and assistance; theological and continuous education of clergy; conferences for Sunday School teachers, Parish Councils, choir directors and singers; Youth Retreats and Family Conferences; an Altar Servers Retreat; and more!
“We thank all DDBs from the bottom of our heart!” Continue and increase your loving support of our diocese, and may Christ bless you for your generosity and love!
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Diocese of New York
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Bronxville NY 10708
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