[SHIRLEY, NY] - Over the weekend of March 8-9, St. John the Theologian Orthodox Church in Shirley, Long Island, hosted a first-ever Men's Retreat with retreat speaker Archpriest Michael Butler of Holy Transfiguration parish in Livonia, MI. The event attracted 30 men from two parishes (St. John's and her sister parish of Holy Trinity in East Meadow, Long Island) and was the precursor to the formation of a men's group at the parish. Fr. Michael led us in the theme of "Beloved Sons: A Step Into Mature Christianity" which spanned four sessions from Friday night through Saturday night. The men who attended prayed together, ate meals together, fellowshipped together, and took their first steps together as an emerging Brotherhood bonded by their common Faith and desire to deepen their ministry work at the parish building up the local Body of Christ at St. John's and Holy Trinity.
Fr. Michael then stayed for Sunday Liturgy, addressed our catechetical class prior to the service and gave a good and powerful sermon on the Last Judgment. For all who attended any part of this three-day event, it will be a sharp and powerful memory that will have lasting effects for years to come. God be praised!
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