Prayer of Thanksgiving for SATB (Jessica R. Suchy-Pilalis)
Prayer of Thanksgiving for SAA (Jessica R. Suchy-Pilalis)
Prayer of Thanksgiving Mode 1 (Jessica R. Suchy-Pilalis)
"Many Years!" (D. Lucs) LISTEN HERE
"Many Years!" (Georgian/English phonetics ~ Graham & Lucs)
"Many Years!" (Georgian/English phonetics ~ Graham)
"Kyrie Eleison" for Ordination (Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
Prayer Before Meals (Bill Kraftician)
Precious in the Sight of the Lord (Galician ~ Gulka)
Consecration Adornment Psalm (Kievan ~ Gulka)
Funeral: Alleluia & Stasis (Walter Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
Requiem Kontakion (Arr. Walter Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
"Memory Eternal" (D. Lucs) LISTEN HERE
"The Lord to Me is Shepherd" (Nicholas Reeves) LISTEN HERE
Wedding Hymn (Nicholas Reeves) LISTEN HERE
Wedding Hymn (Walter Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
"Come Forth" ~ Wedding Song (Bill Kraftician)
Paraklesis Ode 9 of the Canon, Tone 8 (Sirico)
Akathist: Mother of God Healer of Cancer, Kontakion tone 8 (Sirico) LISTEN HERE
Psalm 91 (Josef Gulka) LISTEN HERE
The Cross is the Guardian (Znamenny ~ Gulka)
"You Are a Vineyard" (Georgian Hymn/English phonetics)
Diocese of New York
and New Jersey
33 Hewitt Avenue
Bronxville NY 10708
914-779-6580 (Phone)
914-779-6581 (Fax)