From the Rising of the Sun (Chesnokov ~ Father Daniel Skvir)
From the Rising of the Sun (J.Gulka)
Ton Dhespotin (J.T.Gorokhoff ~ John Hawranick Jr.)
Ton Dhespotin (Father Leonid Schmidt) LISTEN HERE
"Eis Polla Eti, Despota" (Georgian)
"Eis Polla" (Bulgarian ~ Gulka)
Great Litany ~ (Znamenny Popevki ~ Father Leonid Schmidt)
Great Litany (D.Christov ~ Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
Great Litany ~ (Georgian ~ G. Ealy)
Litany ~ (Georgian ~ D. Lucs)
Beatitudes ~ (Zinchenko ~ Walter Shymansky)
Beatitudes ~ (Synodal ~ Bishop Benjamin/Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
"Holy God" ~ (Velislava Franta) LISTEN HERE
"Holy God" ~ (Carpatho-Russian Chant ~ Velislava Franta)
"Holy God" ~ (Georgian ~ Graham & Lucs)
"Alleluia" ~ (Georgian - Gelati Mode)
Litany of Supplication (Greek Motif ~ W.Shymansky & R.Geleta) LISTEN HERE
Cherubic Hymn (Velislava Franta) LISTEN HERE
Cherubic Hymn (Drevnego Rospeva ~ Walter Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
Cherubic Hymn (N.Rimsky-Korsakov ~ Walter Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
Cherubic Hymn (Archbishop Jonathan ~ trans D.Lucs)
Cherubic Hymn (Lycev ~ R.Geleta) LISTEN HERE
Cherubic Hymn (A.Kupylov #5 ~ R.Geleta) LISTEN HERE
Cherubic Hymn (Georgian ~ Ninoshvili & Lucs)
Cherubic Hymn (Bill Kraftician)
"Now the Powers" (J.Gulka) LISTEN HERE
A Mercy of Peace (Velislava Franta) LISTEN HERE
A Mercy of Peace (Anesimov ~ Walter Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
A Mercy of Peace (Bulgarian ~ Gulka)
"It is Truly Meet" (Velislava Franta) LISTEN HERE
"It is Truly Meet" (Podoben ~ J.Gulka) LISTEN HERE
"It is Truly Meet" (Georgian ~ D. Lucs)
"All of Creation": Theotokion for Saint Basil's Liturgy (D. Bartholomew)
Lord's Prayer (Kievan ~ Walter Shymanky) LISTEN HERE
Lord's Prayer (Azeev ~ R.Geleta) LISTEN HERE
Lord's Prayer (Josef Gulka) LISTEN HERE
Lord's Prayer (Kievan ~ St. Basil's Church, Waterviliet NY) LISTEN HERE
Lord's Prayer (Optino ~ St. Basil's Church, Waterviliet NY) LISTEN HERE
Lord's Prayer (Georgian ~ D. Lucs)
"One is Holy" (Orlov ~ W. Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
Communion Hymn: Thursday & Apostles (Kievan ~ T.Tjoa)
Communion Hymn: Saturday (Trubachev ~ T.Tjoa)
Communion Hymn: Sunday (V.M. Orlov ~ R. Geleta)
Communion Hymn: Sunday (V.Kovaldze #1 ~ R.Geleta) LISTEN HERE
Communion Hymn: "The Righteous" (V.Kovaldze ~ R.Geleta)
Communion Hymn: Feasts of the Precious Cross (D. Lucs) LISTEN HERE
Communion Hymn: Feasts of the Theotokos (D. Lucs) LISTEN HERE
Communion Hymn: Wednesday & Feasts of Theotokos (V.Kovaldze ~ T.Tjoa)
Righteous in Everlasting Remembrance (Galician ~ Gulka)
Righteous in Everlasting Remembrance (Chesnokov ~ Gulka)
"Praise the Lord from the Heavens" (Orlov ~ W. Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
"Receive the Body of Christ" (Velislava Franta) LISTEN HERE
"Receive the Body of Christ" (Josef Gulka)
"Receive the Body of Christ" (Georgian)
"O Taste and See" (Lvovsky ~ Walter Shymansky) LISTEN HERE
"O Taste and See" (J.Gulka) LISTEN HERE
"Of Your Mystical Supper" (Josef Gulka) LISTEN HERE
Polychronion: "Many Years" (updated June 2015)
Diocese of New York
and New Jersey
33 Hewitt Avenue
Bronxville NY 10708
914-779-6580 (Phone)
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